Observe With Curiosity
Observe With Curiosity
Your Thoughts....Your Feelings...Your Perspectives...
Your Thoughts....Your Feelings...Your Perspectives...
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Breathe in....Breathe out...and smile...
Breathe in....Breathe out...and smile...
It's NOT what's happening....
It's NOT what's happening....
It's how YOU handle what's happening...
It's how YOU handle what's happening...
The vagus nerve is the connection of mind and body. You can calm yourself by focussing on your vagus nerve and breathing.
The vagus nerve
Hug yourself .
Breathe deep into your tummy. Hold your breath for the count of 3.
Breathe out and empty your lungs. Hold your breath for the count of 3.
Repeat five times.
Identify and define your values....
Identify and define your values....
All of your actions are expressions of your values...
All of your actions are expressions of your values...
All of your actions...everything you think, everything you say out loud, everything you do with your body....
All of your actions...everything you think, everything you say out loud, everything you do with your body....
What you can control:
Your thoughts….your feelings…your perspectives…your actions
What you can’t control:
What is happening…
Observe your thoughts, feelings and perspectives and actions with curiosity.
Breathe in and breathe out.
Say out loud: It’s not what’s happening, it’s how I handle it.
Identify and define your values.
Think, feel and have your perspective be focussed on your values.
All of your actions:
everything you think
everything you say out loud
everything you do with your body
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